IMAGAMA (Ikatan Mahasiswa Akuntansi Gadjah Mada) was formed on September 19, 1985 by Gadjah Mada accounting students. IMAGAMA is an accounting student association that uphold the intellectual level of its members. The establishment of this association is based on the needs of the students’ willingness to do things not only academic activities but also non-academic activities that have positive values. For example, the ability to organize and leadership skills.
Over 35 years, we evolved into a forum for accounting students to learn organizational skills, develop interests and talents, train softskill and hardskill in the economic field in general, and accounting in particular. In addition, IMAGAMA also bridge the accounting students in achieving career, expressing opinions and forming closer kinship.
To be organization that is able to create an atmosphere of harmony, brotherhood, and professionalism to accounting students, IMAGAMA has slogan “Your Lifetime Partner” which means IMAGAMA has a big role to be able to serve the needs of the students of accounting in accordance with the vision and mission.
As an organization and as individuals, we also take great pride in contributing to the communities where we live and work. We also care about the environment and are proud of the many ways in which our staff work to safeguard it. We always uphold the integrity and professionalism in all our operations. We are committed to excellence in everything we do.
Your Lifetime Partner,