Job Description:
- Planning, conducting, and controlling the utilization of company’s financial resources in accordance with existing business process and also supporting company dynamics while maintaining prudence and compliance
IMAGAMA (Ikatan Mahasiswa Akuntansi Gadjah Mada) was formed on September 19, 1985 by Gadjah Mada accounting students. IMAGAMA is an accounting student association that uphold the intellectual level of its members. The establishment of this association is based on the needs of the students’ willingness to do things not only academic activities but also non-academic activities that have positive values. For example, the ability to organize and leadership skills.
Career & InternshipsOpportunities Wednesday, 20 July 2022
Job Description:
Career & InternshipsOpportunities Wednesday, 20 July 2022
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Career & InternshipsOpportunities Wednesday, 20 July 2022
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IDE Times (Accounting Article) Friday, 15 July 2022
Investasi di Indonesia mengalami kenaikan pesat belakangan ini. Pada akhir Desember 2021, jumlah investor pasar modal di Indonesia mencapai angka 7,48 juta. Dari angka tersebut, ada peningkatan jumlah investor saham dari 1,7 juta menjadi 3,4 juta. Pertumbuhan investasi di pasar modal ini didominasi oleh generasi milenial, yaitu sebanyak 59,81%. Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) 2021 bahkan menembus level 6.723,39. Rata-rata nilai transaksi harian pada bursa efek pun naik lebih dari 46% dari Desember 2020, yang awalnya hanya Rp9,2 triliun menjadi Rp13,51 triliun. Total penghimpunan dana di pasar modal Indonesia juga mengalami peningkatan, tercatat total nilai emisi di bursa efek mencapai Rp 338,11 triliun pada 10 Desember 2021. Meningkatnya jumlah investor pasar modal ini didasari oleh beberapa hal, salah satunya adalah banyaknya affiliator yang mempromosikan investasi pada masyarakat sehingga mereka kemudian tertarik untuk berinvestasi. read more
Sertifications Sunday, 26 June 2022
Chartered Accountant (CA)
Sertifications Sunday, 26 June 2022
Certified Professional Management Accountant (CPMA)
Career & InternshipsOpportunities Saturday, 25 June 2022
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Career & InternshipsOpportunities Saturday, 25 June 2022
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Career & InternshipsOpportunities Saturday, 25 June 2022
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Career & InternshipsOpportunities Saturday, 25 June 2022
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